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Our Vision

Pushkin  -  model eco-city for Russia, a window to Europe  for the implementation of integrated practices  sustainable urban development.

On the example of Pushkin, we want to show how, with the development of the city, to preserve  and improve the quality of the urban environment and the lives of citizens.

Broadcast the experience gained to other cities of our country. 

Наше видение

The goal of the Ecograd-Pushkin project  develop and apply the concept of development of the city of Pushkin, which will give impetus to the sustainable development of a small Russian city.

In our opinion, in order to further support and promote the eco-sustainable development of Russian cities, it will be useful to create a model “eco-city”,  where representatives of other localities could come to see how the issues of a modern and, at the same time, eco-sustainable city/district with a great historical and cultural heritage can be resolved.  

We invite Russian  and foreign  eco-development professionals and enthusiasts, business, scientific and public organizations, active citizens and responsible government officials.

Together we will make  Pushkin pilot  a project to plan and implement the city's sustainable development strategy.  The experience gained will be a valuable tool in the eco-modernization of other small towns in the country.

To the current work on the concept

Our why

The city, in the modern world, has become the main  element that connects  man and his natural environment.

Cities have a strong  influence  to the environment  Wednesday:  consume natural  resources, crowd out  natural ecosystems. The quality of the urban environment determines the physical and psychological health of a person.

Sustainable prosperous urban development is a real factor in economic growth and social harmony.

The global problem of our time is that the quality of the human environment, nature, is declining. Degrading human environment adversely affects human health.


The health of people in the 21st century is deteriorating [link to study]. This serves as an impetus for the development of the medical industry: the production of medicines, equipment, medical institutions and infrastructure. Such use of natural resources is fundamentally irrational. Since with the expenditure of resources, the quality of people's lives does not improve.


Preserving the health of the world's population is in the interests of every person. To solve this problem, it is necessary to change the usual ways of development from the scale of an individual apartment to a planetary one.


Russia  in 2018 announced a course on sustainable development. Vladimir Putin approved the country's development plan until 2024 by May decrees. Thus, the country faces global goals to increase life expectancy, improve the quality of public health and preserve Russian nature.  to save people's lives.


Russia makes up ⅛ of the land and ranks 9th among all countries in terms of the population of the Earth. At the same time, about 75% of the Russian population lives in cities. The country has the resources and potential to address the challenges of sustainable development. The choice of development paths for a country of this magnitude involuntarily influences the development of its immediate neighbors and the planet as a whole.

Sustainable prosperous urban development is a real factor in economic growth and social harmony.

By developing cities sustainably, we:

  • We raise  public health and reduce  government spending on medicine;

  • We create new jobs in the "green" economy, incl. for young people,

  • We promote economic growth and safe technological progress; 

  • We bring harmony into public life and reduce  social tension.


Why Pushkin?

The city of Pushkin has a rich architectural, landscape, park, cultural and historical heritage. Peter the Great founded the city as a suburban imperial residence - Tsarskoye Selo.

Pushkin is included in the list of monuments protected by UNESCO.

Municipal authorities and local residents of the city are aware of its importance and are ready to support the sustainable development of the city.

Почему Пушкин?

Pushkin universal city is an example for creating a model. This  district of the metropolis of St. Petersburg, a city of federal significance. And Pushkin - independent  a small town, which is the majority in Russia. The concept developed on its basis will be indicative for  various cities in our country.

Cultural heritage

The city of Pushkin has a unique historical significance for our country.  This is ours  architectural, landscape and park  And  cultural and historical  heritage.  Peter the Great founded the city as a suburban  imperial  residence  - Tsarskoye Selo.

The city is included in the UNESCO heritage list.

Educational potential of the district

Pushkinsky district has a great intellectual potential. He  is the center of agricultural sciences and education.  St. Petersburg State Agrarian University is located in the district.

Innovation District

It is planned to build a Skolkovo branch, ITMO Highpark Campus in the district by 2027, which will become an innovation center.

Ecological situation

Pushkinsky district is recognized as one of the cleanest areas of the city. This contributes  natural  microclimate of the area and  big  number  parks and green areas.

Active citizenship

Municipal  the authorities and local residents of the city are aware of its importance and are ready to support the sustainable development of the city.

Residents worry about fate  hometown. They unite in public  organizations. Citizens speak out and defend  their right to a favorable urban environment.

The Public Council for Sustainable Development of the Pushkinsky District has been established in the city. This Council is the only one in the city. On the basis of the Council, a dialogue is conducted between various subjects of the city, annual scientific and practical conferences are held.

City activists are represented by groups  ECO-Pushkin  - Separate collection in  Pushkin , Citizen  Pushkin ,  Active Slavyanka , Beautiful Petersburg.

In Pushkin  there are already practices for the successful interaction of key subjects of the city and decision-making in favor of  sustainable development of the region.

Having made every effort and made the most of the best domestic and foreign experience in Tsarskoye Selo, ensuring, at a minimum, the preservation  ecology and public health, we will do a very necessary and useful thing not only for the Pushkin people, and not only for residents and guests of St. Petersburg, but for the whole country.

The first step has already been taken. There is no way back!

Pushkin has already committed himself  in the international arena for the sustainable development of the city in front of and together with  more than 3000 cities  from 40 countries . You can't be idle!

Истоки концепции

We, large and small cities of Europe, who have signed this Charter , declare that in the course of historical development our cities existed within the framework of empires, nation-states and regimes, survived them and survived as centers of public life, carriers of the national economy, as well as guardians of culture, heritage and traditions. Along with families and the immediate environment, cities have become the main cells of society and the state, centers of industry, crafts, trade, education and government .


We understand that our modern style of urban life , in particular the patterns of division of labor and functions, use of territory, development of transport, industrial production, agriculture, consumption and leisure, and therefore our standard of living , make us essentially responsible for many environmental problems, that face humanity . This is all the more important given that 80% of Europe's population lives in urban areas.


We are aware that achieving the current level of resource consumption in industrialized countries is impossible for all living people, and even more so for future generations, without the destruction of natural capital.

We are convinced that the sustainable life of people on Earth is impossible without the sustainability of local communities . Local (city) government is located where environmental problems are felt, it is closest to the population and shares responsibility with governments at all levels for the well-being of mankind and nature .


Thus, cities and towns play a key role in the process of changing the lifestyle of the population, patterns of production and consumption, the spatial structure of settlement and the location of production.

The charter was developed by the participants  first European Conference on Sustainable Urban Development.  IN  took part in the discussion of the draft Charter  more than 600 participants. The conference was organized by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) . The conference was held in 1994 in Aalborg, Denmark.

After 10 years  commonwealth  European cities on "Sustainable Development" at the Aalborg Conference +10  turned the agenda into strategic actions. The participants assumed the Aalborg commitments. 

The Aalborg Commitments are  Top 10 areas for sustainable urban development.

All of them, in one way or another, are aimed at creating an ecological environment and improving the health of the population.

The charter has been signed by more than 3,000 municipal authorities from more than 40 countries.

Pushkin is one of 17 cities  Russia, which assumed the Aalborg obligations.

The next step is to act!

By signing the Aalborg  Charter, Pushkin recognized his role in the process of sustainable development. But this is only the first step.

It is necessary to go one step further - to adopt the Aalborg Commitments to highlight areas for focus in  sustainable  prosperous  development.

And act!

Our tasks

Establish an international consortium that will bring together eco-development professionals who plan to enter or expand their presence in the Russian market of modern environmentally friendly equipment and solutions, mainly from Russia, Finland and Sweden.


To develop the previously established cooperation between Lyceum 410 Pushkin and the Finnish-Russian School of Eastern Finland  first of all, to adopt experience in the field of ecology: to introduce separate waste collection and other areas.

Current work

concept  Ecocity-Pushkin is developed and implemented on the basis of the Pushkin Public Council for Sustainable Prosperous Development.

Текущая работа

To implement the concept of "Ecocity-Pushkin", the Council conducts and supports the work on the implementation of the EcoSanaClub formula throughout the city in 10 areas.

Directions were identified based on  Basque Declaration and 17 Sustainable Development Goals.







Join us  and help make Pushkin healthier for life!

Passed stages

The spirit and meaning of the Aalborg Charter are close to the citizens of Pushkin. Citizens on the basis of various organizations and associations are working for the sustainable and prosperous development of their city and region.

Пройденные этапы

Association of citizens

In 2012, the townspeople united inInitiative group on greening Pushkin. Guidelines have been developed for organizing walking and cycling routes in the Pushkin district.

The group later evolved intoCenter for Ecological Developmentat the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pushkin and Pavlovsk.

Working with VTT

In 2012, the largest research center in Finland VTT. 

Совместно с экспертами VTT в сфере территориального экодевелопмента подготовили план по созданию научно-обоснованной модели для успешной реализации проекта._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_​

В 2015 году Центр реорганизовался в Общественный Совет по устойчивому благополучному развитию Пушкинского района Санкт-Петербурга._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

The council became a platform for finding solutions, forming common approaches and combining the efforts of government, business and civil society.

Concept presentations

В 2016 году председатель Пушкинского Совета Валерий Вакуленко представил концепцию Экоград-Пушкин на III Всероссийском Форуме Живых городов. Презентация_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ "How to create the most beautiful and prosperous city in Russia and save it (on the example of Tsarskoye Selo - Pushkin, Pavlovsk)".

Cooperation with Finland

In December 2016 at the seminar “Business and investment in Finland. Sustainable Development of "Green" Technologies" negotiations took place between the Mayor of Lappeeranta Kimo Järve and Advisor to the Head of Administration of the Pushkin District Petr Ivanovich Shirokov on cooperation between Lappearanta and the Pushkin District. Valeriy Vakulenko, Chairman of the Pushkinsky District Council for the UBR, took an active part in the preparation and holding of the meeting.

Letter to the President

In January 2017, the Pushkin Council sent letter to the President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. "On the creation of a model eco-city based on Pushkin for other cities.

Agreement with Cleantech Cluster

In March 2017, the Public Council for RRM of the Pushkinsky District concluded a Cooperation Agreement with the International consortium "St. Petersburg Clean Technologies Cluster for the Urban Environment".

Join us!

Let's make Pushkin a model eco-city for our country!

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