02/27/2013 1st scientific and practical conference "Prospects for sustainable development of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg"
Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg and its first steps towards sustainable development
Organizing Committee of the Conference:
Afanasenko Viktor Ivanovich , President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk
Vakulenko Valeriy Mikhailovich , President of the EcoDevelopment Innovation CenterECOESATE
Osipov Anatoly Ivanovich , Head of the Innovation and Marketing Sector of the State Scientific Institution of the North-Western Scientific Center of the Russian Agricultural Academy
Skvortsov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich , rector of Leningrad State University A.S. Pushkin
Residents of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg are increasingly worried about the threat of destruction of the unique beauty, harmony, environmental sustainability and indescribable aura of one of the most beautiful places in Russia - the symbol of our Fatherland.
In recent years, the pace and volume of construction development has sharply increased in the district, and with it the influx of new residents.
Along with positive results, this causes such negative consequences as increasing traffic jams, a decrease in the overall level of safety, deterioration of the environmental situation and the quality of the social environment.
Instead of turning into a banal industrial-sleeping faceless vain gassed area, it is necessary to preserve and develop all the best that is in the area: palace and park ensembles, beautiful temples, agricultural experimental and scientific and educational potential, which is very relevant not only for the development of Pushkin himself, but also for the whole of Russia, and much more.
The position of the residents of the district, representatives of local businesses and authorities, who understand and are concerned about the possible negative consequences of improper development of the district, can be formulated as follows:
It is unacceptable to turn the Pushkinsky District into a reserve zone of St. Petersburg for residential and industrial construction without proper adherence to sustainable development standards, as this will inevitably lead to a sharp deterioration in the environment that people use for life, work and recreation.
Pushkin has every opportunity to develop as an Eco-City, favorable for its residents and guests, harmoniously developing economically, environmentally and socially, without destroying, but preserving and increasing the positive accumulated potential. For this, it is necessary that citizens, authorities, business and other significant forces openly and constructively interact and develop the region based on the advanced principles of sustainable development proven by world practice.
Achieving the goals of harmonious and balanced development of the territory in the economic, social and environmental aspects requires joint active work of the authorities, the business community, scientists and educators, public organizations and a caring public. Serious obstacles to this are: insufficient public awareness of development plans and proposed innovations, their weak practical implementation, the lack of carefully developed and tested ways and tools for sustainable development and reliable effective mechanisms for interaction between government, business and society.
Preparation of the basis for the start of a constructive dialogue between the authorities, business and society in relation to the sustainable development of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg and was one of the main goals of the Conference.
Conference progress
Conference participants were welcomed by: President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pushkin and Pavlovsk Afanasenko Viktor Ivanovich , President of the Center for Social and Conservative Policy North-West Shuvalov Igor Evgenievich and Vice-Rector of LSU A.S. Pushkin Bukin Leonid Ilyich , who noted the relevance and timeliness of the event for the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg, the high potential of the district in relation to the implementation of the principles and approaches of "sustainability" and the need for a comprehensive, constructive and environmentally friendly approach to the issues of its development . In particular, Mr. Shuvalov spoke about the need to develop and approve a strategy for the sustainable development of the region by the relevant law of St. Petersburg, and also announced the readiness of Konstantin Nikolayevich Serov, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, to accept and consider proposals that will be developed as a result of the Conference.
With the main report of the Conference "Global best practices, Russian policy and the potential of the Pushkin region in the field of environmental (sustainable) development" the President of the EcoDevelopment Innovation Center spoke ECOESTATE Vakulenko Valery Mikhailovich According to the EPI (Environmental Performance Index) rating for 2012, Russia is in 106th place in the world in terms of the state of affairs in the field of ecology and the state of the environment, with trends for further deterioration. However, in recent years, the authorities of the country have finally begun to pay more attention to this problem, as evidenced by the adopted legislative acts, the announcement of 2013 as the “Year of Ecology”, etc.
In the light of this trend, it is very important to study and use the best world practices, first of all, the closest neighbors (for example, Finland: a high share of separately collected and recycled waste (MSW), low energy consumption of buildings, water quality and air purity, developed environmentally friendly transport infrastructure and etc.), but also to create their own model cities, towns, etc. It is necessary to use the best practices of Sustainable Development (Eco-Development): the balanced development of economic, environmental and social components in order to meet the urgent needs of current and future generations of people.
Valery Vakulenko noted the presence of the most important prerequisites near the Pushkin district in order not only to preserve the ecological and other advantages of the environment, but to develop them and enrich St. Petersburg and all of Russia with the experience of sustainable development of the historical city, to become an exemplary (model) sustainable development area "Pushkin-Ecocity".
A report on typical violations of environmental legislation in the Pushkinsky district and ways to combat them was made by Petrov Sergey Evgenievich , Deputy environmental prosecutor of St. Petersburg .
He noted that Pushkinsky district is among the top three in the city in terms of ecological condition . Violations in the field of waste management stand out as the main problem not only of the district, but of the entire city. Sergey Evgenievich spoke about possible ways to solve this problem. The special importance of environmental education and improvement of environmental legal awareness of citizens and, oddly enough, police officers, whose direct duties include the identification and registration of environmental offenses, was noted.
On behalf of environmental prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg Sergei Evgenievich expressed readiness and interest in cooperation in order to achieve the goals of sustainable and environmentally friendly development.
Ivanova Irina Vladimirovna , Deputy The Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg , having taken the floor, expressed understanding and full agreement with the need to preserve the historical cultural heritage of the Pushkin region, in particular Pushkin and Pavlovsk, for future generations.
The public of the district should be even more active in the development of the territory, for example, make timely proposals for amending the master plan of St. Petersburg, which determines the future development of the city, including the Pushkin district. Irina Vladimirovna noted that to organize the most
effective interaction of all parties interested in the sustainable development of the region, it is necessary to create a large council with the mandatory involvement of the executive (committees of various profiles: the investment committee, KUGI, the committee for nature management, the committee for entrepreneurship development, and others) and legislative (deputies and specialized commissions of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg) city authorities.
The theme of the importance and potential of palace and park ensembles and other museums of Tsarskoye Selo for the sustainable development of the Pushkinsky district was covered in her speech Kudryavtseva Natalya Nikolaevna , Main architector GMZ "Tsarskoye Selo" .
Natalya Nikolaevna told the Conference participants about the strategic plans for the development of the State Museum-Reserve, which included, among other things, measures to preserve and restore the ecosystem of park complexes (for example, the reconstruction of water conduits that feed the parks), eco-oriented reconstruction of the boiler house
on the territory of Alexander Park and the area around it, competent reorganization of parking lots and other elements of transport and tourism infrastructure, and other “sustainable” measures. Natalya Nikolaevna, citing an example of the success of the fight against the construction of a golf course on the territory of Babolovsky Park, expressed the opinion that an active, caring public should try to counteract the unreasonable plans for the development of the area, even if there is little hope for success.
With a report "Territorial planning - the basis for sustainable development of territorial units of the state and municipal structure of the Russian Federation" spoke Ievlev Nikolay Vladimirovich Director of Development United Projects North-West LLC
Threats to the sustainable development of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg come not only from within, but also from the side of the Leningrad region, where, for example, the Lomonosovsky and Gatchinsky districts of the Leningrad Region adjacent to the Pushkinsky district are being intensively developed and built up. Mr. Ievlev told the audience about the legislative framework and differences in state and municipal territorial planning, the main problems in territorial planning associated with the lack of municipalities' own goals.
The first report on a healthy lifestyle was the report of the Chairman of the Board of the Regional Public Organization Finnish Walking Society Milovidova Olga Vitalievna "Health path - public space of the modern city".
The Health Trail is a new type of public space focused on active physical activity and
which combines routes for regular and Finnish walking, playgrounds with outdoor exercise equipment and historical and cultural attractions of the area. Health paths are being developed and created in many regions of Russia, including the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg. An example of the first trail in the city of Pushkin is the trail created on the territory of the Detskoselsky sanatorium, moreover Currently, a project of a trail is being prepared for implementation, which will pass through the entire city and will allow residents and guests of Pushkin to experience the merits of this concept for themselves.
A report on the topic of planned developments on the territory of the Pushkinsky district was made by Smirnov Alexander Dmitrievich , Head of construction projects of the sole sponsor of the Conference - Groups of Companies "Colway" .
The speaker spoke about the concept of integrated development of the area of 138.5 hectares in the northern part of Tsarskoye Selo, developed in accordance with the promising General Plan of St. Petersburg and aimed at creating a comfortable environment for living, working and relaxing. The proposed layout of the territory includes several blocks of residential and multifunctional (business, retail, recreational) buildings.
The characteristic features of the proposed concept include 40% landscaping of the territory, the presence of each quarter of its own public area in the form of a park, carefully thought-out social and transport infrastructure, a landscaped pedestrian zone along the Kuzminsky reservoir, the presence of bicycle paths, an equestrian school and many other elements inherent in "sustainable » development projects. The report excited the participants of the Conference, but it should be noted that Kolvey Group, acting as a developer and developer of the territory development concept, and personally the head of the Group, Dmitry Gennadyevich Pavlov, who was present at the Conference, takes the topic of sustainable development seriously and shares the approaches and tools of eco-development. In European and other advanced countries in terms of environmental development, this is a fundamental factor in the issue of sustainable development of territories. And what is important - in this case, unlike many of his colleagues the developer is ready to listen and discuss the development of the territory with the interested public.
The Vice President took the floor next. NWRC of the Russian Agricultural Academy Arkhipov Mikhail Vladimirovich
Having quoted Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov, who spoke about the need for equivalent government support for all basic scientific centers in Russia, Mikhail Vladimirovich reminded the participants about the high agricultural and scientific potential of the Pushkin region St. Petersburg. In particular, he put forward a proposal to create in 2013 a scientific and educational project "Pushkinskaya agrarian valley them. IN AND. Vernadsky.” The speaker, noting the close relationship between health and food quality, told the audience about the main problems in the field of food production in Russia and said that in St. Petersburg, the development of a draft law on food security has just begun.
Two presentations were made at the Conference on Finnish approaches and technologies in the field of sustainable development .
Chapter Representative offices of Lappeenranta in St. Petersburg . Kuprienko Igor Vitalievich , illuminated principles and tools for the formation of environmental responsibility of government, business and society in the nearest Finnish neighbor - the city of Lappeenranta - in the main areas: school and family, university education, advertising, ecology as a business.
In Finland, ecology is a national pride and lifestyle for all citizens. As an example of an approach to sustainable environmental development, the need for separate waste collection in Finland is established at the legislative level. One of the most important theses of the speech is the following: It is necessary to educate eco-consciousness and responsibility from early childhood.
Technical and technological aspects of ensuring sustainable development and green building were covered by the Head of Innovative Technologies and Energy Efficiency and Project Manager YIT Elmek Luzin Dmitry Borisovich .
One of the largest Finnish players in the construction industry, the YIT concern, has been operating in Russia for a long time. A distinctive feature of the Concern is the implementation of activities based on the principles of sustainability, environmental friendliness and high ethics. At the beginning of the report, the Conference participants were acquainted with foreign assessment systems green building and the latest Russian state standard environmental requirements for real estate. Dmitry Borisovich noted a special the importance of predicting energy efficiency indicators in the early stages of design . The YIT Concern has developed and successfully uses an appropriate software package in its projects. The most important issue of the competent organization of the waste management process was again raised. Now the systems of vacuum automated waste collection are being actively introduced all over the world.
In cooperation with the Swedish developer of such systems, the company Envac , YIT is promoting this technology in Russia and is already receiving positive feedback from Russian businesses. The report repeatedly noted that eco-innovative technologies can be introduced into historical sites without damage to cultural heritage, and this is especially important for the Pushkinsky district. At the end of the report, it was said that to achieve the best indicators of "sustainability", the processes and methods of managing and operating properties must also be environmentally friendly.
Gurevich Ilya Vladimirovich , Chairman of the VeloPiter cycling club , continued the topic of health and highlighted the European experience in organizing national cycling routes and the corresponding plans for creating such routes in Russia.
The national tourist cycling route is a specially marked and equipped route that generalizes the movement of cyclists, going on a trip along which outdoor enthusiasts get the opportunity, safely moving on the most environmentally friendly mode of transport, to see the main attractions of the territories through which the path is laid.
To date, a project has already been developed to create the first Russian national cycle route, which will stretch from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The route will pass through the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg and, in particular, through Tsarskoye Selo. An additional advantage of laying such a route through Pushkin will be the possibility for Pushkin residents working in St. Petersburg, as well as residents of St. Petersburg studying in Pushkin, to use a bicycle for commuting to and from work/school. At the end of his speech, Ilya Vladimirovich spoke about his readiness for interaction on the topic of large-scale "cycling" of the Pushkin region.
Golokhvastov Andrey Markovich , General Director of the Agriconsult Group of Companies, Interaction between science and education on basic problems of the development of the agro-industrial complex of the North-West region .
Many are well aware that the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg and Pushkin, in particular, is the center of agricultural science in the North-West. However, recently, due to serious systemic problems in the industry, the need to bring the agricultural sector to an innovative development path has become acute. Andrey Markovich told the participants about the relevant foreign experience, he separately dwelled on the exemplary Dutch agricultural
a complex that regularly achieves serious scientific results. In Russia, the close relationship between agricultural science and practice has been lost. According to the speaker, the corresponding sphere of Russian science is 90% self-contained. However, attempts are now being made to revive the industry. So, about two years ago, with the active participation of the Agrarian University and the Russian Agricultural Academy, work began on the creation of the Agropolis North-West innovation center, which is planned to be brought to a very ambitious development scale. It was noted that such projects aimed at the revival of Russian agriculture require significant investments, and the best mechanism for their implementation is the creation of a Public-Private Partnership.
Mikityuk Mikhail Ivanovich , Chairman of the HOA "Fort", Experience in creating a favorable ecological environment in an apartment building in the city of Pushkin.
The apartment and the house where it is located is the place where a person spends at least 50% of his life, and it is logical that this place should be environmentally friendly. There are 4 main areas in which, in order to improve the environmental friendliness of the living environment, HOAs can work: air, water, waste, and the social sphere. The main tool available to homeowners' associations to improve air quality is the greening of the territory adjacent to the house. In terms of water supply and water efficiency, the speaker noted the expediency of replacing metal conduits with polypropylene ones, devices for horizontal water distribution, as well as the installation of multi-stage filters. An important aspect in the activities of the HOA is the organization of waste management. In particular, in the HOA "Fort" the container site is equipped with an electronic access system, work is underway to promote the separate collection of waste, used lamps and batteries are collected separately. It is also in the power of the HOA to organize a “sustainable, friendly community” and carry out activities to increase the environmental responsibility of the residents of the house and not only.
For example, at the initiative of the speaker, practical environmental classes will be organized next summer for students from a nearby school. Mikhail Ivanovich drew the attention of the participants to the fact that there is not enough work only for the employees of the HOA, the residents themselves must contribute to the improvement of the environment in which they live, this is in their direct interests.
New Boris Gavrilovich and Semenov Viktor Petrovich with reports Ponds and canals of the park complexes of Tsarskoye Selo .
They informed the audience about the following problems: the pollution of ponds and canals and the lack of measures to regularly clean them over the past 50 years; the possibility of stopping the work of water conduits feeding ponds and canals, due to their neglect in the near future.
Tarasova Margarita Vasilievna , Head of the Museum of State Budgetary Educational Institution No. 606, made a presentation on the role of education and educational institutions in the environmental education of the younger generation.
Presenting a historical presentation on the topic of the environmental component of school education in the Pushkinsky district since 1992, Margarita Vasilievna dwelled in more detail on almost a decade of experimental work on environmental education of students carried out in the region. This work has created a significant positive effect, and its results will be used for the further development of this area in education. A systematic approach to environmental education is the basis for success, the process must be built in conditions of close interaction of all levels of education: from preschool to higher education. Greening issues are becoming leading today, and the promotion of "eco" is becoming a fundamental factor in education.
On the eve of the start of summing up the results of the Conference, one of the participants, Babiychuk Alexander Filippovich , who represented the Association of municipalities of cities and towns of St. Petersburg at the event, took the floor. Alexander Filippovich dotted the i’s in terms of understanding by those present of the administrative-territorial structure of the city of St. Petersburg , the real powers of the St. Petersburg municipal government and the problems and obstacles existing in this regard for ensuring the quality of the living environment by the local municipal government, whose main function it is. Mr. Babiychuk expressed his readiness to get involved in the activities of the structure planned to be created.
As a result of the Conference, it was unanimously decided to accept the draft resolution of the Conference proposed to the participants as the basis for further activities for the sustainable development of the Pushkinsky District. It was decided to discuss in detail the numerous specific proposals of the speakers, including through appropriate forums, and to add to the action program a “road map” for the sustainable development of the region.