EcoDevelopment Innovation CenterECOESTATE
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pushkin and Pavlovsk
North-West Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Food Supply Problems
Leading conferences:
Afanasenko Viktor Ivanovich - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk, Ph.D.
Vakulenko Valery Mikhailovich - President of the EcoDevelopment Innovation CenterECOESTATE , Ph.D., Corresponding Member. IAON
Pavlov Dmitry Gennadievich , Chairman of the Council for Economic Development and Perspective Projects of the CCI Pushkin and Pavlovsk
Osipov Anatoly Ivanovich , Chairman of the AIC section of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the PANI.
Among the speakers:
Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva , First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes
Taratynova Olga Vladislavovna , director of the Tsarskoye Selo State Museum Reserve
Efimov Viktor Alekseevich, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
Tsyplyaev Sergey Alekseevich , President of the Republic Foundation, member of the Civil Initiatives Committee
Belyaev Alexander Mikhailovich, coordinator of the Citizen Pushkin movement
Kovalchuk Yuzef Konstantinovich , Doctor of Engineering. Sci., Academician of PANI, Leading Researcher
Objectives of the 4th Conference:
development of practical measures aimed at preserving the richest cultural heritage possessed by Pushkin and Pavlovsk,
improving the quality of life of residents of the Pushkinsky district
Reports from the 4th Conference
Reportage TV and radio companies Tsarskoye Selo
Reportage Northwestern Legal Center "Man and Law".
Reportage TV channel TKT-TV
Report on the conference in the program "Necessary to emphasize" with Valery Tatarov on St. Petersburg TV channel