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In the Ecograd-Pushkin project  for the development of the urban environment and communities  EcoSanaClub builds on the successful experience of the international ICLEI community  "Local Governments for Sustainable Development" .  

Areas of work on sustainable urban development are selected according to the Agenda of the Basque  declarations  from 2016.

Декларция Басков и 17 ЦУР ООН

Ecocity - a city that develops

according to the Eco Sana Club formula .

An environmentally and economically sound city that promotes health  residents, with favorable  the situation in society (there are no social tensions and conflicts).

The city of Pushkin and the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg have potential  and an active civil society to become  sustainable  development of the urban environment for small and medium-sized cities in Russia.

Winter Olympics 2014 in  Sochi has become a page of history.

"Our Everything" will be remembered for the medal record of the new Russia, the triumph of domestic sports and  world-class sports facilities built in  According to  international environmental standard BREEAM.

The Olympic construction was one of the most discussed in  country  - the hostess of the Winter Games themes. Some spoke about  that a new world-class sports resort has been built, others about  how much they "cut" there, and about  a colossal increase in the cost of the initially announced volumes of financial costs. At the same time, it remained behind the scenes of reports and  was not read between the lines in  articles on this topic that the construction of Olympic facilities was carried out in  According to  IOC green building principles, which could not be bypassed and  which brought a significant increase in construction costs. BREEAM certification issued by BRE Global International is the proven benchmark for green building certification and  structures. IN  In general, for a construction investor, BREEAM certification means the need to invest in  construction, certification process, the possibility of increasing the marketing attractiveness of the facility, sufficiently high levels of PR.

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