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04/10/2014  2nd scientific and practical conference "Prospects for sustainable development of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg"

The conference was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk.

Organizing Committee of the Conference:

Afanasenko Victor Ivanovich , President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk


  Vakulenko Valery Mikhailovich , President of the EcoDevelopment Innovation Center  ECOESTATE


Osipov Anatoly Ivanovich, Head of the Innovation and Marketing Sector of the State Scientific Institution of the North-Western Scientific Center of the Russian Agricultural Academy

Skvortsov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich , rector of Leningrad State University A.S. Pushkin

The main goal of the Conference:

18 reports were made at the conference, each of which touched upon one or another aspect of the harmonious development of the territory of the Pushkinsky district (production, social sphere and the natural environment).

In almost every speech, there was a deep understanding of the speakers about the need to accelerate the innovative development of the district, while not forgetting about a competent and comprehensive, systematic approach. This is especially important in an unstable economic situation, which often dictates its own rules.

Conference progress

Vakulenko Valery Mikhailovich  President of the EcoDevelopment Innovation Center, spoke on the topic  "The impact of construction development on sustainable development" . The report made a comparison of the ecology of Tsarskoye Selo and neighboring countries. Valery Vakulenko noted that the Pushkinsky District has the necessary potential to become a model (exemplary) urban area for Russia (“ EcoGrad ”), developing according to the principles of sustainable, environmental development, in accordance with the approved laws and environmental policy of the state. The concept of Pushkin-Ecocity was developed in 2012 by the Center for Ecological Development of the Pushkinsky District.

As noted by Sergey Petrovich Popsuy , CEO of the Innovation Center of the Northwestern Federal District , one of the speakers: “Currently, there is no strategic planning. Instead, tasks are solved according to the “fire brigade” option, which cannot but have a negative effect .

One of the most interesting reports, which aroused keen interest, was the report of the head of the St. Petersburg Analytical Agrarian Center , chairman of the Scientific and Production Council of the Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the PANI Kovalchuk Yuzef Konstantinovich , who analyzed in his speech “Prospects for the development of the city of St. Pushkin as a science city, and Pushkinsky district as an agrotechnopark. As Yuzef Konstantinovich noted: “In principle, there is no other reasonable option to preserve Pushkin as a city museum-reserve, except for its development in the form of a science city, an agrotechnopark. Pushkin really became a science city. Here is the Agricultural University of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, its educational farm "Pushkinskoe". From 21 km to the village of Tyarlevo there are research institutes: microbiology VNISKhM, plant protection VIZR, genetics and animal breeding VNIIGRZH, mechanization and electrification NIPTIMESH, economics and organization of agriculture NIESH NZ, Pushkin branch of VIR, Pavlovsk Experimental Station VIR, LPOOS " . And this allows us to consider Pushkin as a city of academic agricultural science and higher education.

In the report of Kirsanov Sergey Alekseevich , President of the Institute of Municipal Education, Professor, Head of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of St. Petersburg State Institute of Civil Society "Russia has been in the WTO for 1.5 years: Problems and Prospects" , the negative and positive aspects of joining the World Trade Organization were considered.


Kirsanov noted that after joining the WTO, there was a decline in GDP by 1-3% (Ernst and Young, NES, CEFIR), although World Bank analysts record a fall at the level of 3-5%. In addition, some economic opportunities are still not fully realized. In particular, the benefit of consumers from the fall in purchase prices (up to 3%), announced before joining the WTO, is clearly not obvious today.

Also noteworthy is the decrease in the share of exports of agricultural raw materials. For 1.5 years, this figure reached 19%, while increasing the share of imports to 8%.

In a rather unfavorable economic situation, Kirsanov noted, it is necessary to take steps now to minimize the damage from joining the WTO, including:

  • Formation of a clear state policy for the development of a number of industries; clear formulation of goals, objectives and identification of tools to achieve them, with the involvement of business representatives and the CCI.

  • Implementation of industry development strategies, including public investment in capital-intensive industries and infrastructure projects.

  • Preventive reform of single-industry towns that are not able to compete in the new environment in order to mitigate negative social consequences.



In conclusion, the conference moderator, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk Viktor Afanasenko spoke about some of the negative aspects in the development of the Pushkin district in 2013 . During his speech, Viktor Ivanovich more than once emphasized a certain decline in agricultural production, as well as a possible decrease in the total share of agricultural land of such enterprises as Detskoselsky Pedigree Farm, Lensovetovsky, Shushary, Lesnoye, etc., due to the planned housing development.

As a result of the conference, a resolution was prepared for the legislative and executive authorities.

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