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04/06/2015  3rd conference "Prospects for sustainable development of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg"

Location : Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship 


public organizations of the Pushkinsky district  assistance of the EcoDevelopment Innovation Center ECOESTATE  And  Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk and the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship

Leading conferences:

Afanasenko Viktor Ivanovich - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk, Ph.D.

Vakulenko Valery Mikhailovich - President of the EcoDevelopment Innovation CenterECOESTATE , Ph.D., Corresponding Member. MAON.

Osipov Anatoly Ivanovich , Chairman of the AIC section of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the PANI.

The conference was attended by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg from various factions, representatives of Delovaya Rossiya LLC in St. Petersburg, representatives of the Popular Front in the Northwestern Federal District, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, specialists in the field of territorial development, urbanism, education, agriculture, members of scientific and business -communities and members of the public of the Pushkinsky district.

The main topics of the Conference in 2015 are the construction and development of the agro-industrial direction of the Pushkinsky district.

Report from the conference

The conference discussed the issues of improving the awareness of the residents of the region on the adopted strategic projects aimed at the sustainable development of the Pushkin region in order to create a healthy, comfortable, favorable environment for local residents, for Russian and foreign guests. 

In recent years, the volume of construction has increased sharply in the Pushkinsky district.

Along with the positive results, the development of the area also leads to negative consequences. Traffic jams, reduced safety, deterioration of the environment and the social environment.  

The organizers of the conference believe that the population does not have proper information, the opportunity to discuss it, develop reasonable proposals and take part in their implementation.


The purpose of the annual conference is to coordinate efforts aimed at the sustainable, environmentally friendly development of the Pushkinsky District, in order to create healthy living conditions and activities for people.

“The impetus for holding this conference was the annual message of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly, where he outlined the guidelines that must be achieved to create a favorable socio-economic situation in this territory with the prospect of its sustainable development. An indispensable condition for achieving these key milestones is the mutual understanding of the population and the authorities and their close cooperation,” the organizing committee of the conference reports.

The topic of mass development of the Pushkinsky district has been raised for more than a year. Moreover, it is not only, and not even so much about Pushkin himself, but about his satellites - the villages of Shushary, Lensovetovsky, the planned satellite city "Southern", territories along the Petersburg highway.

The Pushkinsky district is heterogeneous, it is built up in different ways, and a large number of projects in one way or another disrupt the harmonious development: somewhere there is no social infrastructure, somewhere there is no provision with road networks, somewhere there is neither one nor the other.

So that the development does not have a random character and does not satisfy only the financial interests of developers without taking into account the interests of residents, an integrated scientific approach is needed. We are ready to assist in this at the Department of Architectural Design at the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering .

Associate Professor of the Department Aleksey Mikhalychev , who, incidentally, owns the authorship of the reconstruction of St. Catherine's Cathedral, said that the graduation course of architects of SPGASU this year was entirely working on plans for the development of the Pushkin District. As a result, about 35 detailed projects appeared, and SACU is ready to share them. 
They concern the "central" zone of the Pushkinsky district - that is, the city itself. But in relation to other problems with development, it has the least. Even with the supposed one.

The public movement "Citizen Pushkin" represented by the coordinators of the movement Alexander Belyaev and Pavel Solodov made presentations at the conference on the topic " Analysis of the General Plan for the Development of the Territory of the Pushkin District" and "Development of the Pushkin District in Territories with a Special Use Regime" .


As explained by the coordinator of the movement "Citizen Pushkin" Alexander Belyaev, from the point of view of the general plan, changes to which are currently being made, the most problematic areas are still the same villages of the district and the alleged "Southern", which will add problems to Aleksandrovskaya.

We paid great attention at the conference to the development of agriculture . In the Pushkinsky district, agricultural land is increasingly transferred to housing construction, meanwhile, the agrarian potential of the territory was enormous.

This trend is contrary to the declared course of the president and the government to develop the domestic agricultural sector in the face of refusing to import food from a number of Western countries.

The situation is also ambiguous with private gardening. Yes, in recent years, gasification of households has been going on at an active pace, which makes the gardening process itself more comfortable. However, not everything is so clear.

A big problem in recent years has become squatting on the territory of suburban areas. Land in Pushkin is expensive, and real estate, even in gardening, is convenient to have. In this case, in most cases, the owners of the plots violate the law.

“I deliberately allowed gardening at the Egyptian Gates to be privatized in the 90s, so that people would get at least something from this lousy state ,” says Yuri Nikiforov , an honorary resident of Pushkin, who headed the district for several years. “ But that doesn’t mean they can build anything they can think of!” According to him, the territory on which the Pensioner gardening is currently located should be turned into a tourist zone. Previously, it was assumed that the investor who would carry out its development would consolidate the land plots by buying them from the owners.

As a result of the conference, a resolution was prepared for the legislative and executive authorities.

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